• Listening to “Angels Unawares”

    In this issue of THEMA the contributors are themselves angels unawares who give so much to others through ministry, music, film and creativity! You will find many examples of spiritual guidance from surprising sources that will help you to discern how God, Mystery, is speaking in your life, and increasing your awareness of the sacred. “Angels Unawares,” Truly On behalf of the WVIS Board of Directors by WVIS Executive Director Sr. Carole Riley, C.D.P., PhD, LPC, AAPC-Fellow Confluence: remarkable instances where the right people with the right gifts come together in the right place for the right task. Over a year ago a group of WVIS associate spiritual directors raised…

  • Listening with Your Socks Blown Off

    The diverse messages, sermons, essays, poems, and reflections in this issue of Thema are rich with meaningful experiences that point to the glory of God within our lives, experiences that amaze, daze, and set our hearts ablaze with awe, wonder, and delight.  Social Justice Quilt Project By BA Miskowiec Listening with Your Socks Blown Off By Sister Deborah Lockwood How to Feel Alive Again By Christina Caron Grief as Innovation By Rebecca Messman “Can We Eat the Lettuce Yet?” By Jacob Kose Delight in a poem by Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. and listen with your socks blown off to the songs, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “What a Wonderful World”…