Editorial Board
Trained in spiritual direction by the Cenacle Sisters and Dutch Roman Catholic priest, Fr. Adrian van Kaam, Sr. Carole Riley, CDP, Ph.D, LPS, AAPC-Fellow is a highly sought-after spiritual director, retreat leader, and speaker. She has traveled the globe offering individual and group spiritual direction, Ignatian silent-directed retreats, Couples retreats, the 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life, and the 30-day Spiritual Exercises. In addition, she has produced a library of audiobooks available from Audio Books. An accomplished professional musician and associate music therapist, Sr. Carole served as Chair of the Piano Department, Head of Graduate School, and Assistant Dean at Duquesne University where she is a distinguished alumna and recipient of the President’s Service Award.
Currently, she offers courses at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She holds a counseling-supervising license in West Virginia and is a therapist with Better Help. As the Executive Director of the West Virginia Institute for Spirituality, Sr. Carole has been instrumental in developing a wealth of programs and courses that enhance the spiritual journeys of students and attendees. Noted for her creativity, curiosity, intellectual rigor, and compassion, Sr. Carole prepares her students for a world longing to discern God’s presence.
Contact Sr. Carole Riley at: wviscr@aol.com
Rev. Christina St Clair was born and raised in London, England. She came to the United States when she was eighteen and is a U.S. citizen. Her passionate interest in spirituality led her from Eastern meditation to become a follower of Christ. She earned degrees in philosophy and pastoral ministry. She eventually pastored two Protestant churches (United Methodist and Presbyterian). She is a certified spiritual director from West Virginia Institute for Spirituality and practices Reiki distant healing which is like intercessory prayer. Her latest historically accurate novel, Naomi and Ruth; Loyalty Among Women, is intended for women of all religious persuasions or none.
Contact Christina at: christinastclair55@yahoo.com
Rev. Dr. Rindy Trouteaud is a transplanted Northerner who served Presbyterian churches in Georgia for more than three decades where she focused on pastoring congregations struggling with transitions, conflict, identity issues, and decline. She is a graduate of Columbia Theological Seminary where she received her Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry degrees. She is in the process of completing the certification requirements in spiritual direction at the West Virginia Institute for Spirituality. Now retired, she spends her time honing her grandparenting skills while writing a weekly e-letter for people finding themselves at a crossroad, Epilogue…for those considering next chapters. In the next few months, she will add a weekly Monday column to her e-letter, P3…a poem, prayer, and promise for those seeking spiritual oomph.
Contact Rindy at: rindy@trouteaud.com
West Virginia Institute of Spirituality
The West Virginia Institute for Spirituality (WVIS) is dedicated to providing space and opportunities for deepening mindfulness, prayer practice, interior peace, and for integrating moral and ethical values.
1601 Virginia Street East
Charleston, West Virginia 25311
304.345.0926 (main)
304.345.8206 (fax)