Welcome to THEMA

The West Virginia Institute of Spirituality celebrates its Silver anniversary in 2023-24 and we introduce our digital magazine, THEMA.

Welcome to our digital venture, THEMA, a digital magazine for the spiritually curious. Edited by Rev. Christina St. Clair, our associate spiritual director from Kentucky, and curated by our Georgia Satellite associate spiritual director Rev. Dr. Rindy Trouteaud, THEMA’s articles will augment the annual theme chosen by the Board of Directors.

This bi-monthly publication will enhance the gifts of spiritual directors and help seekers deepen their connection to the Divine, discern God’s voice in the world, broaden communal listening capacity, and pique the interest of those wrestling with questions about the spiritual journey. WVIS congratulates those whose vision brings to birth this new offering.

We encourage you to listen, hear and ponder these words; make the words ‘flesh’ in the place of the planet where you are called to bring the WORD to birth. 

Sr. Carole Riley, CDP, Ph.D., Executive Director, West Virginia Institute for Spirituality