
God speaks in whispers.
Silent brushes of wind,
moments that
implore you to take notice

There is so much that I do not understand:
How to sing when I am choking.
How to forget.
How to remember.
How to discern the blessing within the pain.
How to heal so that I may
hold on to greatness and grandeur.

I wish for softness and stillness,
for the relinquishment of all that no longer matters.
I wish for goodness to linger like the scent of jasmine
on a hot summer day.
It's enough already.  It's enough
resenting people and circumstances so far away
that even the scars have dulled with age.

Out there, beyond my small self,
is vastness and forgiveness and fortitude and love.
I long to fall gently into the arms of a loving world.

God speaks in whispers
silent brushes of wind and
moments that implore you to take notice.

– Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar, “Whispers” from Amen: Seeking Presence with Prayer, Poetry, and Mindfulness Practice by Rabbi Karyn Kedar © 2020 by Central Conference of American Rabbis and used by permission of the CCAR.

All rights reserved. 

Buy Amen: Seeking Presence with Prayer, Poetry, and Mindfulness Practice